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The Aberdeen Children of the 1950's (ACONF)


The Aberdeen Children of the 1950s (ACONF) holds health data for Aberdeen Birth Cohorts of people born in Aberdeen in 1921, 1936, and 1950-1956. It helps to understand the changes as we age and how to better our life quality as we get older.

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A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.

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"type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Name of other school 2", "name": "rs016", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Name of other school 3", "name": "rs017", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Name of other school 4", "name": "rs018", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Name of other school 5", "name": "rs019", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Name of other school 6", "name": "rs020", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Other school 1 entry age", "name": "rs021", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School 2 entry age", "name": "rs022", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School 3 entry age", "name": "rs023", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School 4 entry age", "name": "rs024", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School 5 entry age", "name": "rs025", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School 6 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"description": "Gestation length 2 - certain only", "name": "rs086", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Birth weight", "name": "rs087", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Birth weight 5.5lbs or less", "name": "rs088", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Puerperium", "name": "rs089", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Physical grade of child at birth", "name": "rs090", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Malformations", "name": "rs091", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Interval between marriage and last period - certain and estimated", "name": "rs092", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Interval between marriage and last period - certain only", "name": "rs093", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Type of school March 1964", "name": "rs094", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School  in March 1964\u00a0(provided as a code)", 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"type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Afraid of new events", "name": "rs158", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Fussy/over-particular child", "name": "rs159", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Often lies", "name": "rs160", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Stolen once or more", "name": "rs161", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Wet/soiled self at school this year", "name": "rs162", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Often complains of pains or aches", "name": "rs163", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Has had tears on arrival at school or has refused to come into school", "name": "rs164", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Has a stutter or stammer", "name": "rs165", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Other speech difficulty", "name": "rs166", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Bullies other children", 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{"id": "", "description": "Obstetrics and I.Q.", "name": "rs183", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Grouped residence code", "name": "rs185", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Male born 1951-54 both populations", "name": "rs186", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "1 in 5 special school flag", "name": "rs189", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mother's age at birth of participant", "name": "m_matage", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mother's year of birth", "name": "m_myob", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Notes relating to postings", "name": "notes", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "2001 follow-up questionnaire", "name": "alldata", "dataElementsCount": 297, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "A1. Over the last 12 months would you say that your health on the whole has been\u2026", "name": "q1001", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A2. Do you have any long term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do?", "name": "q1002", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (first complaint)", "name": "q1003a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (second complaint)", "name": "q1003b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (third complaint)", "name": "q1003c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (fourth complaint)", "name": "q1003d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (fifth complaint)", "name": "q1003e", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A3. Please describe any long-term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do in the box below. (sixth complaint)", "name": "q1003f", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A4. Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have high blood pressure other than during pregnancy?", "name": "q1004", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A5. Were you started on pills for high blood pressure?", "name": "q1005", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A6. Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes other than during pregnancy?", "name": "q1006", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A7. How old were you when you were first told by a doctor that you had diabetes?", "name": "q1007", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A8. How is your diabetes treated now?\u00a0(Insulin Injections)", "name": "q1008a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A8. How is your diabetes treated now?(medicine, tablets or pills)", "name": "q1008b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A8. How is your diabetes treated now? \u00a0(Other treatment or advice)", "name": "q1008c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A9. How tall are you (with your shoes off)? (ft)", "name": "q1009a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A9. How tall are you (with your shoes off?) (inches)", "name": "q1009b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A9. How tall are you (with your shoes off)? (cm)", "name": "q1009c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A10. How much do you weigh? (st)", "name": "q1010a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A10. How much do you weigh? (lbs)", "name": "q1010b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A10. How much do you weigh? (kgs)", "name": "q1010c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A11. Did you use bathroom or other weighing scales to measure your weight?", "name": "q1011", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A12. Have you ever had attacks of wheezing or whistling in the chest?", "name": "q1012", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A13. How old were you when this wheezing or whistling started?", "name": "q1013", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A14. Do you need treatment (eg inhalers or tablets) for your wheeze or whistling?", "name": "q1014", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A15. How has your chest been over the past week?", "name": "q1015", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A16. (a) In the past few weeks have you been able to enjoy your normal day to day activities?", "name": "q1016", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A16. (b) In the past few weeks have you been feeling unhappy and depressed?", "name": "q1017", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A16. (c) In the past few weeks have you been losing confidence in yourself?", "name": "q1018", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A16. (d) In the past few weeks have you been feeling reasonably happy, all things considered?", "name": "q1019", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A17. About how old were you when you had your first menstrual period?", "name": "q1020", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A18. Did your menstrual periods start earlier, later or about the same time as other girls in your class at school?", "name": "q1021", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A19. Have you ever had an operation for the removal of your uterus/womb hysterectomy)?", "name": "q1022", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A20. In what year was this operation for removal of your uterus?", "name": "q1023", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A21. Have you ever had an operation to remove both ovaries?", "name": "q1024", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A22. In what year was this operation to remove both ovaries?", "name": "q1025", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A23. In the last 12 months have you had a period or menstrual bleeding?", "name": "q1026", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A24. If you have not had a period in the last 12 months, were your periods stopped by:", "name": "q1027", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A25. In the last 3 months have you had a period or menstrual bleding?", "name": "q1028", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A26. When was your last period (give today's date if bleeding now)? (months)", "name": "q1029a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A26. When was your last period (give today's date if bleeding now)? (year)", "name": "q1029b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A26. When was your last period (give today's date if bleeding now) If you cannot remember the month and year please give your age at the time below.", "name": "q1029c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A27. Have you ever had hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?", "name": "q1030", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A28. When did you first start HRT(hormone replacement therapy)? (month)", "name": "q1031a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A28. When did you first start HRT (hormone replacement therapy)? (year)", "name": "q1031b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A28. When did you first start HRT (hormone replacement therapy)? If you cannot remember the month and year please give your age at the time below.", "name": "q1031c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A29. When you first started HRT (hormone replacement therapy) had your menstrual periods stopped?", "name": "q1032", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A30. What was the date of your last period before starting HRT (hormone replacement therapy)? (month)", "name": "q1033a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A30. What was the date of your last period before starting HRT (hormone replacement therapy)? (year)", "name": "q1033b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A30. What was the date of your last period before starting HRT(hormone replacement therapy)? If you cannot remember the month and year please give your age at the time below", "name": "q1033c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A31. Are you currently on HRT (hormone replacement therapy)?", "name": "q1034", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A32. Are you currently taking the oral contraceptive pill?", "name": "q1035", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B1. If you were born in hospital, please give the name and town of the hospital.", "name": "q1036", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B2. Do/did you have a twin brother or twin sister?", "name": "q1037", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B3. If you are a twin, were you born first?", "name": "q1038", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B4. Are you an identical twin, 'like two peas in a pod'?", "name": "q1039", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B5. Were you the only child your natural (biological) mother gave birth to?", "name": "q1040", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B6. Apart from you, how many other children did your natural (biological) mother give birth to? Number of older brothers and sisters", "name": "q1041a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B6. Apart from you how many other children did your natural (biological) mother give birth to? If you have a twin, please include them by writing 1 in the 'My Twin' box", "name": "q1041b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B6. Apart from you, how many other children did your natural (biological) mother give birth to? Number of younger brothers and sisters", "name": "q1041c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "B6. Apart from you, how many other children did your natural (biological) mother give birth to? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1041d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C1. What year was your father born in?", "name": "q1042", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C1. What year was your father born in? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1042dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C2. Is your father still alive?", "name": "q1043", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C3. How old is your father? Please write his age in years", "name": "q1044", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C3. How old is your father? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1044dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C4. How old was your father when he died? Please write his age in years", "name": "q1045", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C4. How old was your father when he died? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1045dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C5. In what year did your father die?", "name": "q1046", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C5. In what year did your father die? If you don't know please tick here.", "name": "q1046dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C6. What year was your mother born in?", "name": "q1047", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C6. What year was your mother born in? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1047dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C7. Is your mother still alive?", "name": "q1048", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C8. How old is your mother? Please write her age in years", "name": "q1049", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C8. How old is your mother? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1049dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C9. How old was your mother when she died? Please write her age in years.", "name": "q1050", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C9. How old was your mother when she died? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1050dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C10. In what year did your mother die?", "name": "q1051", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C10. In what year did your mother die? If you don't know please tick here", "name": "q1051dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C11. Have your parents ever divorced or permanently separated?", "name": "q1052", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C12. Please give the title of your father's job at the time you were 12 years old (or his last job if he died or retired before this time), and describe what he actually did. If you don't know please tick here.", "name": "q1053dk", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "C13. In that job, was your father....\u00a0(Manager/foreman/employee/self employed)", "name": "q1054", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D1. Up to the age of 12 years who brought you up?\u00a0(both natural (biological) parents)", "name": "q1055a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D1. Up to the age of 12 years who brought you up?\u00a0(at least one of my natural (biological) parents)", "name": "q1055b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D1. Up to the age of 12 years who brought you up?\u00a0( other relatives)", "name": "q1055c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D1. Up to the age of 12 years who brought you up?\u00a0(adoptive parents)", "name": "q1055d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D1. Up to the age of 12 years who brought you up?\u00a0(children's home / fostered)", "name": "q1055e", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D2. At the time you were 12 years old, was your family home:\u00a0(owned / rented (from local council/rented from private landlord / other)", "name": "q1056", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D3. At the time you were 12 years old, did your family own a car?", "name": "q1057", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D4. At the time you were 12 years old, how many living rooms and bedrooms did the family home have? Number of living rooms (include kitchen if it was used as living room)", "name": "q1058a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D4. At the time you were 12 years old, how many living rooms and bedrooms did the family home have? Number of bedrooms", "name": "q1058b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D5. When you were aged 12 years old, how many children and adults lived in your family home? Number of adults (aged 18 or over)", "name": "q1059a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D5. When you were aged 12 years old, how many children and adults lived in your family home? Number of children (aged under 18)", "name": "q1059b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D6. What age were you when you finally moved out of your family home?", "name": "q1060", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D7. What primary school did you attend in December 1962?", "name": "q1061", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D8. Were you happy with your time in primary school?", "name": "q1062", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D9. How many friends did you have in primary school compared to other children?", "name": "q1063", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D10. Did you ever experience being bullied by your classmates in primary school?", "name": "q1064", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D11. Since 1962 have you lived anywhere other than Aberdeen for more than a year?", "name": "q1065", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "D12. What age were you when you first moved away from Aberdeen for more than a year?", "name": "q1066", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E1. Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly? By regularly we mean at least one cigarette a day for 12 months or more", "name": "q1067", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E2. About how many cigarettes a day do you usually smoke?", "name": "q1068", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E3. If you are an ex-smoker, about how many cigarettes a day did you usually smoke?", "name": "q1069", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E4. How old were you when you stopped smoking cigarettes regularly?", "name": "q1070", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E5. How old were you when you started smoking cigarettes regularly?", "name": "q1071", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "E6. Did either of your parents smoke regularly when you lived with them?", "name": "q1072", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F1. How often on average do you currently drink alcohol?", "name": "q1073", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F2. Thinking of the last 7 days,how much have you drunk compared to an average week in the last year?", "name": "q1074", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F3. Thinking of the last 7 days, how much of each of the following did you drink? Beer, lager, cider (pints)", "name": "q1075a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F3. Thinking of the last 7 days, how much of each of the following did you drink? Wine (glasses)", "name": "q1075b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F3. Thinking of the last 7 days, how much of each of the following did you drink? Martini, sherry, port (glasses)", "name": "q1075c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F3. Thinking of the last 7 days, how much of each of the following did you drink? Spirits (measures)", "name": "q1075d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F3. Thinking of the last 7 days, how much of each of the following did you drink? Other alcoholic drinks (glasses)", "name": "q1075e", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F4. In the last year how often have you had 4 or more drinks at any one occasion?", "name": "q1076", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "F5. In the last year how often have you had a hangover from drinking alcohol?", "name": "q1077", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "G1. Which one of these best describes your current situation?\u00a0(paid work / unemployed / sickor disabled / retired / student / other", "name": "q1078", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "G2. Have you ever been in paid employment or been self-employed?", "name": "q1079", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "G4. In that job, are you or were you...\u00a0(manager / foreman / employee / self employed)", "name": "q1081", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "G5. How many people work(ed) for your employer at the place where you work(ed)?", "name": "q1082", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H1. Does your household own or rent the accommodation you live in?", "name": "q1083", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H2. How many cars or vans are owned, or are available for use, by one or more members of your household? Include company cars/vans if private use is allowed", "name": "q1084", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H4. Are you currently living with your husband or partner?(female questionnaire) Are you currently living with your wife or partner?(male questionnaire)", "name": "q1086", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H5. Are you currently:\u00a0(single / married / widowed / divorced / separated)", "name": "q1087", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H6. Is this/was this your first marriage?", "name": "q1088", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H7. (a) People sometimes need help and support from others. Do you have a relative or close friend who is there for you if you are ill?", "name": "q1089", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H7. (b) People sometimes need help and support from others. Do you have a relative or close friend who is there for you if you need company?", "name": "q1090", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H7. (c) People sometimes need help and support from others. Do you have a relative or close friend who is there for you if you need someone to talk to about personal problems?", "name": "q1091", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "H8. How many of your current friends were you in primary school with?", "name": "q1092", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "J1. What is your total personal current gross income from all sources? per week", "name": "q1093a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "J1. What is your total personal current gross income from all sources? per year", "name": "q1093b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K1. What secondary school did you go to when you left primary school?", "name": "q1094", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K2. At what age did you leave secondary school?", "name": "q1095", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K3. Have you been in further or higher education since you left school?", "name": "q1096", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K4. For how many years in total were you in full or part-time further or higher education? Full-time (years)", "name": "q1097a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K4. For how many years in total were you in full or part-time further or higher education? Part-time (years)", "name": "q1097b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? No formal qualifications", "name": "q1098a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? Degree or degree level qualification (including a higher degree)", "name": "q1098b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? Teaching qualification HNC/HND, BEC/TEC higher, BTEC (higher) City and Guilds Full Technological Certificate", "name": "q1098c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? Certificate of Sixth Year Studies Highers A-levels ONC/OND/BEC/TEC (not higher) City and Guilds Advanced / Final level", "name": "q1098d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? 'O' Grade passes 'O' Level passes CSE grade 1 School certificate or matric City and Guild Craft/Ordinary level", "name": "q1098e", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? CSE grades 2-5 Clerical /commercial qualifications", "name": "q1098f", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? CSE ungraded", "name": "q1098g", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? Other qualifications (where qualification or grade not defined)", "name": "q1098h", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "K5. Which of the following qualifications do you have? School leaving certificate", "name": "q1098i", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L1. Have you ever given birth? (Female questionnaire) Have you ever fathered any children (Male questionnaire)", "name": "q1099", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L2. How many children have you given birth to? (Female questionnaire) How many children have you fathered? (Male questionnaire)", "name": "q1100", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L3. How many of the children you have given birth to are you currently living with? (Female questionnaire) How many of the children you have fathered are you currently living with? (Male questionnaire)", "name": "q1101", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L4. Did a doctor tell you that you had high blood pressure during any of your pregnancies?", "name": "q1102", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L5. Did a doctor tell you that you had diabetes during any of your pregnancies?", "name": "q1103", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L6. Did a doctor tell you that you had protein in your urine during any of your pregnancies?", "name": "q1104", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105a1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105b1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105c1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105d1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105e1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105f1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 1)", "name": "q1105g1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105a2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105b2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105c2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105d2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105e2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105f2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 2)", "name": "q1105g2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105a3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105b3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105c3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105d3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105e3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105f3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 3)", "name": "q1105g3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105a4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105b4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105c4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105d4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105e4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105f4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 4)", "name": "q1105g4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105a5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105b5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105c5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105d5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105e5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105f5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 5)", "name": "q1105g5", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105a6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105b6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105c6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105d6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105e6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105f6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 6)", "name": "q1105g6", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105a7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105b7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105c7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105d7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105e7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105f7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 7)", "name": "q1105g7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105a8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105b8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105c8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105d8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105e8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105f8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 8)", "name": "q1105g8", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (day)\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105a9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (month)\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105b9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Date of birth of child (year)\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105c9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest: Sex of child\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105d9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest Was the child one of twins or triplets?\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105e9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. For each child born could you please tell us about each, starting with the oldest In what town was the child born.\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105f9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "L7. Place of birth of child\u00a0  (Child 9)", "name": "q1105g9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M1. What is your date of birth? (day)", "name": "q1109a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M1. What is your date of birth? (month)", "name": "q1109b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M1. What is your date of birth? (year)", "name": "q1109c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M2. What sex are you?", "name": "q1110", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M3. Do you remember taking part in the Reading Survey in December 1962 on which this study is based?", "name": "q1111", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M4. Do you know anyone else who would have been in primary school in Aberdeen in 1962 who has been sent this questionnaire?\u00a0(brother or sister)", "name": "q1112a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M4. Do you know anyone else who would have been in primary school in 1962 who has been sent this questionnaire?\u00a0(husband / wife / partner)", "name": "q1112b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M4. Do you know anyone else who would have been in primary school in 1962 who has been sent this questionnaire?\u00a0(other relative)", "name": "q1112c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M4. Do you know anyone else who would have been in primary school in 1962 who has been sent this questionnaire?\u00a0(friend / neighbour / work-mate)", "name": "q1112d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M4. Do you know anyone else who would have been in primary school in 1962 who has been sent this questionnaire?\u00a0(No)", "name": "q1112e", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M5. Did you complete this questionnaire by yourself, or did someone help you with any of it?\u00a0(myself)", "name": "q1113a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M5. Did you complete this questionnaire by yourself, or did someone help you with any of it?\u00a0(someone read the questions to me)", "name": "q1113b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M5. Did you complete this questionnaire by yourself, or did someone help you with any of it?\u00a0(someone wrote down the answers I gave)", "name": "q1113c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M5. Did you complete this questionnaire by yourself, or did someone help you with any of it?\u00a0(someone answered the questions for me)", "name": "q1113d", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M6. Please give the date you completed this questionnaire. Day", "name": "q1114a", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M6. Please give the date you completed this questionnaire Month", "name": "q1114b", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "M6. Please give the date you completed this questionnaire Year", "name": "q1114c", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participant has adopted children", "name": "q1adopt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participant is a triplet", "name": "tq1triplt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participant has had stillborn offspring", "name": "q1stillb", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Standard Occupational Classification (father's employment) Please give the title of your father's job at the time you were 12 years old (or his last job if he died or retired before this time), and describe what he actually did.", "name": "q1f_soc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge sub-group and 2-character title identifier (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_cams", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "In that job was your father...", "name": "q1f_empn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Employment status check code (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_empc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge scale score (males) (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_camm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge score (females) (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_camf", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1990: Socio-Economic Group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_se91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1991: Social Class (father's employment)", "name": "f_rgsc91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988 (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_isco", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Key list of occupations for statistical purposes (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_kos", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Classification of occupations and directory of occupational titles (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_codt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Operational code (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_op81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Occupation Unit Group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_oc81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Socio-economic group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_se81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Social Class based on occupation (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_rg81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Occupation unit group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_oc71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Socio-economic group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_se71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Social class based on occupation (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_rg71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1966: Occupation unit group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_oc66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1966: Socio-economic group (father's employment", "name": "q1f_se66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar General 1966: Social class (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_rg66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Occupation unit group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_oc61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Socio-economic group (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_se61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Social class (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_rg61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1990 (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_gd91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1980 (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_gd81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1970 (father's employment)", "name": "q1f_gd71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classifications: Collapsed Goldthorpe (father's employment)", "name": "q1fcolgp", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Hope-Goldthorpe score (father's employment)", "name": "q1fhgscl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Standard Occupational Classification (father's employment) Please give the title of your father's job at the time you were 12 years old (or his last job if he died or retired before this time), and describe what he actually did.", "name": "q1soc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge sub-group and 2-character title identifier (father's employment)", "name": "q1cams", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "In that job, are you or were you (Q1081)", "name": "q1empin", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Employment status check code (participant's employment)", "name": "q1empc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge scale score (males) (father's employment)", "name": "q1camm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Cambridge score (females) (father's employment)", "name": "q1camf", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1990: Socio-Economic Group (father's employment)", "name": "q1se91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1990: Social class based on occupation (participant's employment)", "name": "q1rg91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988 (participant's employment)", "name": "q1isco", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Key list of occupations for statistical purposes (father's employment)", "name": "q1kos", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Classification of occupations and directory of occupational titles (father's employment)", "name": "q1codt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Operational code (father's employment)", "name": "q1op81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Occupation Unit Group (father's employment)", "name": "q1oc81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Socio-economic group (father's employment)", "name": "q1se81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1980: Social Class based on occupation (father's employment)", "name": "q1rg81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Occupation unit group (father's employment)", "name": "q1oc71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Socio-economic group (father's employment)", "name": "q1se71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "OPCS 1970: Social class based on occupation (father's employment)", "name": "q1rg71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Occupation unit group (father's employment)", "name": "q1oc66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1966: Socioe-economic group (participant's employment)", "name": "q1se66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1966: Social class (participant's employment)", "name": "q1rg66", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Occupation unit group (participant's employment)", "name": "q1oc61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Social class (participant's employment)", "name": "q1se61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Registrar-General 1961: Social class (participant's employment)", "name": "q1rg61", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1990 (participant's employment)", "name": "q1gd91", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1980 (participant's employment)", "name": "q1gd81", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Goldthorpe 1970 (participant's employment)", "name": "q1gd71", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Collapsed Goldthorpe (participant's employment)", "name": "q1colgd", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Nuffield classification: Hope-Goldthorpe score (participant's employment)", "name": "q1hgscl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Father's occupational group according to the 1951 Registrar General's classification", "name": "q1f_og51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Father's occupational code", "name": "q1f_oc51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Father's social class coding based on 1951 Registrar General's classification", "name": "q1f_sc51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participants occupational group according to the 1951 Registrar General's classification", "name": "q1og51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participant's occupational coding 1951", "name": "q1oc51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Participant's social class coding based on 1951 Registrar General's classification", "name": "q1sc51", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "Household Survey", "name": "census_var", "dataElementsCount": 59, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Census District Number", "name": "c_cdno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Census sub-district number", "name": "c_csubno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Enumeration District", "name": "c_edno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Ward number", "name": "c_wardno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Ward name", "name": "c_wardnm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons", "name": "c_npers", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of males per enumeration district", "name": "c_nmale", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of females per enumeration district", "name": "c_nfemal", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 0-2 yrs oer enumeration district", "name": "c_n0to2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 3 - 64 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_n3to64", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 65+ per enumeration district", "name": "c_n65pls", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of owner occupied households per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhown", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting with business per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhrent", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households holding by employment per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhempl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting from the council per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhcoun", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting furnished homes per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhfurn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting unfurnished homes per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhunfu", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of building type 1 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of type 2 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of type 3 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared cold water", "name": "c_hhcold", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no cold water", "name": "c_hhcldn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared hot water", "name": "c_hhhot", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no hot water", "name": "c_hhhotn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared fixed bath", "name": "c_hhbath", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no fixed bath", "name": "c_hhbthn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared wc", "name": "c_hhwc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no wc", "name": "c_hhwcno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with all 4 exclusively", "name": "c_hhall4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households sharing kitchen", "name": "c_hhkit", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons present at census", "name": "c_census", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Total number of rooms occupied", "name": "c_ttroom", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Average persons per room", "name": "c_pperrm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households in shared dwelling", "name": "c_hhdwll", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Total households", "name": "c_tothh", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Households present at census", "name": "c_hhpres", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of owner-occupied households", "name": "c_phhown", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting with business", "name": "c_phhrnt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households holding by employment", "name": "c_phhmpl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting from council", "name": "c_phhcon", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting furnished", "name": "c_phhfrn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting unfurnished", "name": "c_phhunf", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 1", "name": "c_phhtp1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 2", "name": "c_phhtp2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 3", "name": "c_phhtp3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared cold water", "name": "c_phhcld", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no cold water", "name": "c_phcldn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared hot water", "name": "c_phhhot", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no hot water", "name": "c_phhhtn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared fixed bath", "name": "c_phhbth", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no fixed bath", "name": "c_phbthn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared wc", "name": "c_phhwc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no wc", "name": "c_phhwcn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with all 4 exclusively", "name": "c_phhll4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households sharing kitchen", "name": "c_phhkit", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households in shared dwelling", "name": "c_phhdwl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 0 - 2 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_p0to2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 3 - 64 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_p3to64", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 65 + by enumeration district", "name": "c_p65pls", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "Schools Survey", "name": "child50_sclvars", "dataElementsCount": 40, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "School label", "name": "sch_name", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of pupils in Reading Survey", "name": "sch_nrs", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School exists in 1964 0 Closed by 1964 154 1 Existed 1964 11997", "name": "sch_1964", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Also a secondary school 0 Only primary 11340, 1 Secondary also 773, 3 Not known 26, 4 Not applicable 12", "name": "sch_seco", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mainstream school 0 Special school 183 1 Mainstream school 11895 3 Not known 73", "name": "sch_main", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Single sex school 0 Mixed sex 11368, 1 Boys only 367, 2 Girls only 405, 3 Uncertain 11", "name": "sch_sex", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Private school 0 Not private 11883, 1 Private 262, 3 Not known 6", "name": "sch_priv", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Selective school 0 Not selective 11251, 1 Selective 895, 3 Not known 5", "name": "sch_sele", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "% absent from school > 12.5% of the time (Median 360, Range 0 to 748)", "name": "sch_abse", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of schools with absenteeism data (Median 360, Range 0 to 748)", "name": "sch_nabs", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School mean for IQ at 7 Median 106, Range 50 to 136", "name": "sch_iq7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school IQ at 7 data Median 359, Range 0 to 743", "name": "sch_niq7", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School mean for IQ at 9 Median 109, Range 67 to 133", "name": "sch_iq9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with IQ at 9 data Median 360, Range 0 to 738", "name": "sch_niq9", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School mean of family size 1962 Median 3.1, Range 1.5 to 4.5", "name": "sch_fams", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with family size data Median 364, Range 0 to 747", "name": "sch_nfam", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School proportion of fathers in social class I or II in 1962 Median 6.9, Range 0 to 91", "name": "sch_clas", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School proportion of fathers unemployed / disabled / dead in 1962 Median 4.4, Range 0 to 50", "name": "sch_unem", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on father's employment at RS Median 62, Range 0 to 140", "name": "sch_ncla", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School mean for rateable value of child's home Median 40.8, Range 15 to 91", "name": "sch_rate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on rateable value Median 248, Range 0 to 515", "name": "sch_nrat", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school in the Family Survey Median 62, Range 0 to 140", "name": "sch_nfs", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School proportion of owner-occupier families Mean 4.3, Range 0 to 100", "name": "sch_owno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on owner-occupier families in RS (Median 62, range 0 - 140)", "name": "sch_nown", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School proportion who sat any 4+ selection exam Median 9.3, Range 0 to 100", "name": "sch_four", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on 4+ exams taken ( Median 71, Range 0 to 259)", "name": "sch_nfou", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School % of mothers with further education (Median 14, Range 0 to 140)", "name": "sch_mate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on mother's education (Median 61, range 0 - 140)", "name": "sch_nmat", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "School % of fathers with further education (Median 16.5, Range 0 to 100)", "name": "sch_pate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "No. of subjects in school with data on paternal education (Median 59, Range 0 to 137)", "name": "sch_npat", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of different enumeration districts in which school pupils live (Median 32, Range 1 to 122)", "name": "sch_nume", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of pupils in school with ED data available (Median 244, Range 0 to 538)", "name": "sch_nnum", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED average no. of persons per room (Median 1.15, range 0.49 to 1.31)", "name": "sch_crow", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED% of owner-occupied households (Median 5.4, Range 0 to 78)", "name": "sch_hhow", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean % of households with no hot water (Median 2.0, Range 0 to 65)", "name": "sch_noho", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean % of households with shared hot water (Median 3.15, Range 0.85 to 19.29)", "name": "sch_shar", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED % of households with no WC (Median 0.32, Range 0 to 2.8)", "name": "sch_nowc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED % of households with shared WC (Median 13.3, Range 1.7 to 81.6)", "name": "sch_sha1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED % of population aged 0 to 2 (Median 5.5, Range 2.9 to 12.1)", "name": "sch_0to2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Mean ED % of population aged 65 + (Median 5.9, Range 2.5 to 19.9)", "name": "sch_65pl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "Household Survey", "name": "family_variables", "dataElementsCount": 2, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Identifies the family the subject belongs to", "name": "m_famrnd", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of siblings within a family", "name": "m_numsib", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "Household Survey", "name": "rates_census", "dataElementsCount": 60, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Rateable value of residence in 1962/3 according to the valuation rolls for Aberdeen city", "name": "rateablevalue", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Census District Number", "name": "c_cdno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Census sub-district number", "name": "c_csubno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Enumeration District", "name": "c_edno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Ward number", "name": "c_wardno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Ward name", "name": "c_wardnm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons", "name": "c_npers", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of males per enumeration district", "name": "c_nmale", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of females per enumeration district", "name": "c_nfemal", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 0-2 yrs oer enumeration district", "name": "c_n0to2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 3 - 64 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_n3to64", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons aged 65+ per enumeration district", "name": "c_n65pls", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of owner occupied households per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhown", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting with business per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhrent", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households holding by employment per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhempl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting from the council per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhcoun", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting furnished homes per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhfurn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households renting unfurnished homes per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhunfu", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of building type 1 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of type 2 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households of type 3 per enumeration district", "name": "c_hhtyp3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared cold water", "name": "c_hhcold", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no cold water", "name": "c_hhcldn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared hot water", "name": "c_hhhot", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no hot water", "name": "c_hhhotn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared fixed bath", "name": "c_hhbath", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no fixed bath", "name": "c_hhbthn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with shared wc", "name": "c_hhwc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with no wc", "name": "c_hhwcno", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households with all 4 exclusively", "name": "c_hhall4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households sharing kitchen", "name": "c_hhkit", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of persons present at census", "name": "c_census", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Total number of rooms occupied", "name": "c_ttroom", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Average persons per room", "name": "c_pperrm", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Number of households in shared dwelling", "name": "c_hhdwll", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Total households", "name": "c_tothh", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Households present at census", "name": "c_hhpres", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of owner-occupied households", "name": "c_phhown", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting with business", "name": "c_phhrnt", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households holding by employment", "name": "c_phhmpl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting from council", "name": "c_phhcon", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting furnished", "name": "c_phhfrn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households renting unfurnished", "name": "c_phhunf", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 1", "name": "c_phhtp1", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 2", "name": "c_phhtp2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households of building type 3", "name": "c_phhtp3", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared cold water", "name": "c_phhcld", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no cold water", "name": "c_phcldn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared hot water", "name": "c_phhhot", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no hot water", "name": "c_phhhtn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared fixed bath", "name": "c_phhbth", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no fixed bath", "name": "c_phbthn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with shared wc", "name": "c_phhwc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with no wc", "name": "c_phhwcn", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households with all 4 exclusively", "name": "c_phhll4", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households sharing kitchen", "name": "c_phhkit", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of households in shared dwelling", "name": "c_phhdwl", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 0 - 2 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_p0to2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 3 - 64 yrs per enumeration district", "name": "c_p3to64", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Percentage of persons aged 65 + by enumeration district", "name": "c_p65pls", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}]

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  • Publisher
    The members of the steering group for the 'Children of the 1950s' cohort study involve collaboration between representatives of Dugald Baird Centre, University of Aberdeen and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, and the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol. The study administrator, Heather Clark, oversees applications for access to the ACONF data. Please contact Heather at or +44 (0)1224 437288 if you would like more information on the study variables, or if you are interested in submitting an application to the steering committee.
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Key Details

  • Activity that generated the dataset
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  • Creator
    Chris Wood
  • Documentation
    The Aberdeen Children of the 1950s (ACONF) is a dataset gathered through a longitudinal study from 12 150 participants born in Aberdeen between 1950 - 1956 that was repeated in 1990s, 2000s and is still ongoing. The most recent part of the study was conducted in 2021 and examined views on Covid-19. The initial goal was to find the cause of learning disabilities among school children however, the existing dataset contents have been expanded over years to aid research in multiple fields such as health-related studies. The data includes invaluable information about the prevalence of heart disease, pregnancy details, intelligence, schooling, housing, and mental health across the generations. Back in the 1950's, children in Aberdeen primary schools were tested by the University of Aberdeen with the Aberdeen Child Development Survey (ACDS) in maths and reading tests in December 1962. Four decades later, the survey was sent by post to all the now-adult participants with more questions about their personal life, health and living situation to draw correlation between the examined factors. The study yielded 7000 responses and was enriched by consulting the medical records. It has been possible to confirm vital status and place of residence for 98.5% of the 12,150 subjects from which 81% still lived in Scotland and 73% in the Grampian, including Aberdeen. 1431 subjects have been confirmed to be deceased (as at March 2018). Linkages to hospital admissions and other health endpoints captured through the routine Scottish Morbidity Records system resulted in links to 41,159 hospital admission records, 1,258 cancer registrations and 1,084 psychiatric admissions (as at March 2008) and include an intergenerational linkage to 7928 deliveries in Scotland occurring to female members of the study population. A postal questionnaire to all surviving cohort members has also been distributed in 2001, with a response success rate of 63%.
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Formal release or publication date
  • Geographic Area
    United Kingdom,Scotland,Aberdeen City,United Kingdom,Scotland,Aberdeenshire
  • Landing page
  • Language
  • Provenance
    No information available
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • The dataset type
  • Theme/category
    No information available
  • Update frequency

Versions and updates

  • A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the dataset
    No information available
  • The most recent data on which the dataset was changed or modified
    No information available
  • Version
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Further details

  • A related dataset from which this dataset is derived
    No information available
  • Other identifiers
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  • Qualified attribution
    No information available
  • Qualified relation
    No information available
  • Sample distribution of the dataset
    No information available
  • The minimum spacial separation resolvable in the dataset, measured in meters
    No information available
  • The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset
    No information available