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31 results

  • NHS Tayside Virology

    Scottish laboratory data covering virology tests from the Tayside regions.

  • Walker Study Data

    Cohort of over 48,000 birth records (pregnancy, labour, birth and care) in Dundee. Between 1952-1966. Contains information on the birthing events such as birth weight, date, feeding, and socio economic variables such as parent occupation.

  • Tayside Bowel Screening Dataset

    NHS Tayside health board bowel screening program.

  • Tayside Pathology

    Tayside Pathology containing details from pathological samples and biopsy including diagnosis codes. This data originates from Ninewells Pathmanager.

  • NHS Tayside - A&E drugs given during an A&E visit

    Accident and Emergency episode level data.

  • Renal Register – PHS National Dataset

    Extract from Public Health Scotland Renal register for Tayside and Fife.


    2000 health care workers in NHS Tayside and from social care will have blood samples tested to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, to identify undiagnosed asymptomatic healthcare worker infections with COVID-19.

  • Follow-COVID

    Follow-COVID is a study of over 100 patients across multiple regions within Scotland over the course of 6 years. The study seeks to identify the long term consequences and future care needs of COVID-19 survivors.

  • CRIS

    This dataset is provided to HIC as extracts from a system called CRIS, a popular Radiology Information System (RIS).

  • SAS(Scottish Ambulance Service) Hypoglycemic

    This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.