Contains data on episode level new and unscheduled attendances at Emergency Departments and some smaller community hospitals and minor injury units (MIUs).
Covid 19 Test Results
Contains the results of all PCR / Antigen Tests / LFTs reported to Public Health Scotland by NHS Scotland and UK Government Regional Testing Laboratories and home testing kits
DataLoch brings together routine data collected as part of people’s interactions with health care services in South-East Scotland. These data include details of visits to hospitals or GPs, treatments, medicines prescribed, outcomes and test results.
+ 12 more
Follow-COVID is a study of over 100 patients across multiple regions within Scotland over the course of 6 years.
The study seeks to identify the long term consequences and future care needs of COVID-19 survivors.
Lighthouse laboratories [high-throughput facilities dedicated to COVID-19]
2000 health care workers in NHS Tayside and from social care will have blood samples tested to detect antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, to identify undiagnosed asymptomatic healthcare worker infections with COVID-19.
Summary of SARS-CoV-2 lineages and mutations
This dataset contains COVID-19 Vaccination events in Scotland since December 2020. This includes information such as eligibility cohort, date of vaccination, and vaccination product.
This data originates from the Ad Astra system.