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Watch: Accelerator Awards Q&A

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Research Data Scotland

02 Feb 2024

On Tuesday 30 January, Rosie Seaman, Data Sourcing Manager for Research Data Scotland, hosted an online Q&A to share more information about the Accelerator Awards. The deadline to apply for the awards is Tuesday 20 February.

The Accelerator Awards are a £50,000 grant fund to enable research for the public benefit in Scotland. Non-commercial organisations can apply for up to £25,000 to deliver research projects through the Researcher Access Service - a brand new, fully digitised pathway for researchers to apply for and gain access to secure public sector data. 

The aims of the Accelerator Awards are to promote research for the public benefit in Scotland, to cement the new digitised pathway as part of the Researcher Access Service, and to gain valuable user feedback to inform and shape future developments. RDS hopes that the successful applicants will become key advocates for data access improvements in Scotland that maximise public benefit. 

Click here to find out more about the Accelerator Awards.

In the Q&A session, Rosie Seaman explained the background behind the Accelerator Awards, before Jen Campbell, Digital Delivery Lead, outlined how the Researcher Access Service makes it simpler and faster to access secure data for research. The floor was then opened for attendees to ask their own questions about the Awards and the nine datasets that will be available at the initial launch of the Researcher Access Service. More information about these nine datasets can be found below. 

Topics covered in the Q&A included the linkage potential of the nine datasets that are available, how the Researcher Access Service bypasses the current Public Benefit and Privacy Panel process, insights into the initial enquiry process from Suhail Iqbal at eDRIS/Public Health Scotland, and more.

Watch a recording of the Q&A:

The deadline for applying for Accelerator Awards is Tuesday 20 February 2024. 

If you have any questions about the Accelerator Awards, please get in touch by emailing

Available datasets

At launch, the Researcher Access Service will enable a new pathway for research projects with a study population and linkages from the following nine datasets only:

Dataset name

Date range

Outpatient Appointments and Attendances - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR00) Jan 1997 - 2023
General Acute Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR01) April 1997 - 2023
Maternity Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR02) April 1997 - 2023
Mental Health Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR04) April 1997 - 2023
Scottish Cancer Registry (SMR06) April 1997 - 2023
Prescribing Information System (PIS) January 2015 - 2023
Scotland Accident and Emergency January 2011 - 2023
National Records of Scotland (NRS) - Births Data 1981 - 2023 (*four variables on social class and employment status only populated from 1996)
National Records of Scotland (NRS) - Deaths Data 2015 - 2023

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