Equality data – mind the gap
A new equalities dataset for research draws upon anonymised records covering many of the protected characteristics for over six million people.
Duncan Buchanan
23 Feb 2023
Learn how we're working with partners to create a large-scale research dataset of protected characteristics.
Research Data Scotland (RDS) has been collaborating with Public Health Scotland (PHS), the Scottish Government, National Records of Scotland (NRS) and the University of Edinburgh on a project to create a large-scale research dataset of protected characteristics to support public sector organisations and researchers to monitor the impact of services.
This dataset contains anonymised records covering many of the protected characteristics for more than six million people and used a method of securely linking records drawn from the Census, hospital admissions and annual school pupil census. Ethical considerations in the design of the dataset were assessed with help from equalities groups and a public panel.
Learn more in this blog post: Equality data - mind the gap
Safe and responsible use of the dataset is paramount, and the data is stored within the Scottish National Safe Haven, a Trusted Research Environment. Under the Administrative Data Research (ADR) Scotland programme and the Health Data Research National Core Studies programme, a significant number of datasets have been brought into the National Safe Haven. The Protected Characteristics Linkage Dataset will be brought into the National Safe Haven shortly and it will be listed as part of the ADR Scotland data catalogue.
If you are a researcher or member of a public sector organisation interested in using the dataset to support your work on equalities, please contact us to register your interest.
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