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Data explainers

Explore our handy data explainers and learn more about public sector data in Scotland.

Living Our Values Framed Light Blue

Learn about data

Want to know more about data but don't know where to start? Explore our handy data explainers to learn what public sector data is, how it's kept safe and how it’s used in research.

Illustration of a desktop computer with two keys on the screen.

Intro to public sector data

Learn more about what public sector data is and how it's used in research.

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Illustration of a lock.

What is the Five Safes framework?

Discover what the Five Safes framework is and how it's used to keep data secure.

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Illustration of a line graph made to look like mountains.

What are Trusted Research Environments?

Learn about Trusted Research Environments and how they help researchers access data.

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Illustration of a filing cabinet with numbers spilling out of an open drawer.

What is data de-identification?

One way of keeping data confidential is to remove personal information. Learn more about this process, known as de-identification.

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Presenting Framed Dark Blue

The Researcher Access Service explained

Find out more about the Researcher Access Service - our platform for accessing secure public sector data for research.

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Illustration of a rocket blasting off over sheets of paper.

Intro to synthetic data

Synthetic data is a valuable tool for enabling better research. Find out more in this explainer.

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Shaping our services

Learn more about how we're engaging researchers and data professionals to help shape our services and working with the public to raise the profile of data for research.

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Illustration of an envelope with a letter sticking out and a mobile phone with a person

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